
For advanced beginner to experienced yogis & teachers

I started practicing yoga in 1996, initially to relieve back pain, and within a few years, discovered a new way to live. I’ve studied with 6 different schools, and do not adhere to one commercialized style. 

Yoga means to connect, integrate. The practices are ancient, evolving, and not just physical. By making this meditative art and play part of our lives, we become more present and aware of our body, mind, prana-qi-energy, and their nature and patterns, which benefits ourselves and all those around us. I support advanced beginner, experienced yogis and teachers, to…

I use a variety of approaches in my classes. We explore concepts and movements through units that last 5-12 weeks. New students may start at any time.

Past topics include: somatic meditations and proprioception, organs and the endocrine system, skeletal alignment, the koshas and levels of consciousness, major and minor chakras, grounding and other basic psyche development, yamas/niyamas, paramitas, and philosophy.

Special workshops are available for runners & cyclists, neonatal/pregnancy, weightlifters, and long-period meditators that cover specific poses that most benefit these activities. Please contact me to arrange a workshop.

Please join me and our growing yoga community for classes (in Cincinnati OH):

Shine Yoga - In-person + virtual classes

Sundays @ 10:30 am EST - BioEnergy & yoga, Intermediate/Advanced

Cincinnati Zen Center - in-person classes

First Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm EST - Yoga for Meditators, mixed level

Third Saturdays @ 10:30 am EST - Yoga for Meditators, mixed level

TriHeallth Pavilion - in person classes

Tuesdays @ 5 pm EST – Pilates Fusion

Thank You!

May everyone who seeks physiological, psychological, and spiritual benefits discover ease and transformation from these simple practices.
Take care, Annie