Meditation and Resiliency Series

Practicing & Exploring In Community

How the Mind-Body-Heart Works

Everyone experiences loss, stress, grief, pain, sadness, fear, anger…

Courage, strength, joy, peace, love, and more…

To different degrees, at different times, the world over.

We have opinions, distortions, partial memories and projections, beliefs in our own and others’ stories and explanations, lessons from sound science, observations, insights, intuition…

And we can get stronger, faster, healthier, as well as be injured, age, get sick, and die.

This is what being alive is. This is how we experience “mind-body-heart” in real life.

So how do we live IN and AS all of it?

How do we experience the fullness and immediacy of this precious life?

The Meditation and Resliency Series

The M&R series brings advanced beginner and adept meditators together to explore and clarify how our mind-body-heart systems operate. Regular participants say attending the M&R series has helped them to:

   • maintain a regular meditation practice

   • feel they are part of a live global community committed to learning and growing

   • improve their awareness and make different choices

   • take constructive actions for better quality of personal and work life.  

This weekly practice community started in 2016, and new people join for every series, frequently after completing the Meditation Without Expectations™ 8-week course.  

Each week for 6 to 8 weeks, we login to a live-stream session. There are three sessions each week (same topic) to accommodate people joining from different continents and time zones.

I introduce the topic, we meditate for 20+ minutes, then discuss what we discovered through our direct experience. Meditations may be guided or silent, depending on the topic.

I do my best to be encouraging and iterate important points and insights that people make. We learn with and from each other and recognize that we are not alone in our feeling, thinking, living—how we are all not unique and yet, each special.

Sessions are not recorded to respect privacy. We share what we learn, rather than the details of the life case. I may post a separate video.

Topics and practices are selected that deepen our awareness and generally support our discipline/self-restraint, insight/introspection, and kindness/compassion.

I am always reading and exploring different meditative arts, science, psychological, secular, and spiritual approaches to grow and open. I offer the series for deeper personal dives and in combination with other work. This approach is not affiliated with a religion.

Previous M&R Series Topics

To give you a sense of the range of topics, here is some of what we have looked into over the last couple of years…

Self-Energy Treatment, Somatic Meditations, the Inner Senses, the Origination of habits and changing behavior,

Stories we tell ourselves, Lifestyle Medicine, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology and Gratitude, meditation across Cultures and History, the Upper Limit Problem, Morita therapy, Naikan, the Human Energy Field/major & minor chakras, Tonglen and other healing arts, Mental Health First Aide, Essays on Living by Krishnamurti, Resolving Grief / loss / significant change…

I also take requests and suggestions!


How To Enroll

Next 8-Week Series is on ‘Sabotage’

May-June-July 2024 - exact dates to be determined

Three meeting options per week:

Feel free to attend one, two, or all three weekly sessions, as suits your schedule and time zone.

  • Suggested Pricing $170 - $300

    for the full 8-week course

Contribute what you can depending upon your means and life situation. Please contact me if you would like to participate but are facing financial hardship.

Thank You!

May everyone who seeks physiological, psychological, and spiritual benefits discover ease and transformation from these simple practices.
Take care, Annie